Sunday, August 29, 2010

Woke up early today and spent the morning sitting in a coffee shop taking candid pictures of people on the sidewalks. It's a joy capturing emotions and moments.

Then took a stroll down the Mirror Lake to be a part of an idyllic sunday morning in the park and a beautiful small wedding by the lakeside.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Funny, to have posted my previous post and then be here traveling towards the pacific ocean.Reason told me to save money and stay at home and apply for more jobs. Heart tells me to go back to India for a year and utilize my remaining time in the United States to see more of this beautiful country.

I am following my heart. And loving it.

Drove from Providence ,Utah to Bend ,Oregon for about twelve hours yesterday. The landscape throughout the drive was pretty much high desert , open spaces and distant mountains.

Sue and I are staying at the Sundance Ranch at the bunkhouse. The entire bunkhouse was deserted last night and will be so for two more days as there was a terrible flu around which made about 25 people very sick. We are two very brave (or like Sue says, Stupid) women who are too stubborn to change our plans.Plus I have immense faith in my immune system.

Here is a view of yesterday's beautiful sunset at the ranch.

Isn't this just the prettiest sunset?

We were told that there was a wildfire around the west of Bend.It was slightly smokey amd the air smelt like campfire mixed with pines. When it was dark, the moon was so yellow that it was almost red. I battled the fear of rattlesnakes in the dark and went outside to shoot the moon.

This morning , we woke up early at 8 am and walked around downtown and visited art galleries.Here are some pictures of Bend.Until tomorrow.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. —Mark Twain

Sunday, August 15, 2010

In my room, the plastic trash bag is caught amidst the whirl of the fan and makes crackling sounds.I lie here in my bed..clothes strewn all over me ,unpacked suitcases on the floor, trying to wrap my head around everything life has been in the past few months. Wondering at how I feel so stable and volatile at the same time.

Isn't it amazing how many twists and turns life takes? You might be wearing your most comfortable hat,walking down a known lane with a spring in your sure of your next turn right around the corner to your left and suddenly- whooooooosh! Just as you blink,the familiar lanes disappear and you are presented with a wildly dense amazonian forest of experiences called 'Life'. You feel so unequipped and disoriented- Will the forest be safe? Will you reach the other end? Will there be demons and wild beasts? Which direction will it take you? Will you even reach safely on the other side?

I am scared.And also excited.It frightens as well as exhilarates me.

Sometimes, the Unknown is a good thing.I think.